projects Completed projects - significant works
Border Crossing Point Gubinek

Wojewoda Zielonogórski

Sękowice woj. Zielonogórskie

Financing source:
Realizacja wspófinansowana z funduszu
PHARE /PL-9402.01.01.L002/

Maj1996 – Październik 1998

General data:
Length of main axis: 860 m
Total area of roads and parking places: 132 000 m2
Total area: 20 ha

Car zone:
Car park places: 2 x 55 places

Truck zone:
Truck park places: 2 x 100 places

BCP Gubinek under construction:
1. Border Bridge
2. Primary inspection posts
3. Final inspection post
4. Public toilets
5. Goods inspection building
6. Truck inspection building
7. Transformer station
8. Main building
9. Canopy
10. Service building
11. Fire escape road
12. In-transit inspection post
13. Traveling coaches inspection post